Coaching & Mentoring
Participant Manual 0/3
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Overview 0/4
In this section we will cover Self-introduction exercise: Name and Function/ Profession Country, This is my totem: the animal that describes me… (based on a series of animals shown on a screen share) and My expectation for this program
Assignment Debrief 0/33
Debriefing of the pre-workshop assignments
Lecture 3.1Session’s Objective3 minutes3m
Lecture 3.2Some Debrief Questions3 minutes3m
Lecture 3.3What is Emotional intelligence?5 minutes5m
Lecture 3.4Group Work: Why is Emotional intelligence important?3 minutes3m
Lecture 3.5Why is Emotional intelligence important?
Lecture 3.6What is coaching and why not something else? (Session’s objectives)3 minutes3m
Lecture 3.7What is coaching?4 minutes4m
Lecture 3.8What is Mentoring?3 minutes3m
Lecture 3.9Difference between Coaching and Mentoring10 minutes10m
Lecture 3.10What kind of help do I need from my experts?10 minutes10m
Lecture 3.11Buzz groups or table discussions: What do I need in my work? (Coaching or Mentoring)3 minutes3m
Lecture 3.12Coaching? or Mentoring?3 minutes3m
Lecture 3.13Leadership: Delegation Coaching & Mentoring5 minutes5m
Lecture 3.14Brainstorming session3 minutes3m
Lecture 3.15What are the key characteristics of Good coaches and Mentors?4 minutes4m
Lecture 3.16Coaching: a partnership involving many parties (Session’s objectives)2 minutes2m
Lecture 3.17Case study & Role play3 minutes3m
Lecture 3.18Debriefing of the role plays and Brainstorming of various partners of a coaching experience3 minutes3m
Lecture 3.19Partners in a coaching experience
Lecture 3.20Coaching agreement template5 minutes5m
Lecture 3.21Coaching tools and ways of proceeding (Session’s Objectives)1 minute1m
Lecture 3.22Signing the Coaching agreement3 minutes3m
Lecture 3.23Coaching techniques
Lecture 3.24Organize meetings alternating with assignments (For single or multiple coaches)5 minutes5m
Lecture 3.25Organize periodic evaluation4 minutes4m
Lecture 3.26Submission of an end of mission Report
Lecture 3.27Exercises and practices (Session’s Objectives)1 minute1m
Lecture 3.28Reflective listening: Definition and practice
Lecture 3.29Why people ask to be coached? :Brainstorming session4 minutes4m
Lecture 3.30Practice of a coaching session5 minutes5m
Lecture 3.31Way forward (Session’s Objective)1 minute1m
Lecture 3.32The certification opportunities3 minutes3m
Lecture 3.33Some online Coaching certification opportunities
Synopsis 0/1
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Some online Coaching certification opportunities