Showing 1-3 of 3 results
Financial Sustainability for Non-Profit Organizations
Financial Sustainability for nonprofit organizations and federations especially in healthcare has long been of interest to organization leaders, funders, and the communities in which nonprofits reside. However, in the face of the recent economic downturn and increased expectations of mission impact and accountability, nonprofit organizations face a myriad of challenges…
September 12, 2023
An Introduction to Advocacy: Training Guide
Advocacy is an important leadership tool for using your voice to draw attention to significant issues, compel people to act, inspire positive change, and demonstrate caring toward others. This toolkit offers guidance on how to use public speaking to promote healthcare development within West Africa, including how to advocate for…
September 12, 2023
Coaching & Mentoring
Coaching and mentoring can play a significant role in any person’s personal and professional development. This course explores its dynamics and outlines the skills, tools and techniques behind a successful coach. We explain how to complete a successful practical mentoring session and identify the characteristics required to excel in the…
October 17, 2017