Tayo Otubanjo
Brief info
Prof. Tayo Otubanjo, leads full time and executive MBA sessions in Marketing at Lagos Business School. He was until recently a Visiting Professor of Marketing at Yale School of Management, New Haven.
Prof. Otubanjo pursued his PhD in Marketing with a focus on corporate ‘brand’ identity management at The University of Hull (UK) and Brunel University London where he was highly instrumental to the development of the first MSc degree programme in Corporate Brand Management in the UK.
Generally, his research takes a social constructionist epistemological approach to the meaning, planning, and management of corporate branding, corporate identity, corporate communications, corporate reputation and corporate marketing.
Prof. Otubanjo’s work has appeared in numerous ABS quoted journals of note including Academy of Marketing Science Review; Tourist Studies; Management Decisions; The Marketing Review, Journal of Product & Brand Management, Corporate Reputation Review, Corporate Communications: An International Journal. Tayo has presented articles at The University of Cambridge, Royal Holloway College of The University of London, University of Birmingham, University of Southampton, Herriot Watt University, University of Brighton, London Metropolitan University, University of Salerno (Italy), and St. Gallen University (Switzerland).
Prof. Otubanjo has also spoken at conferences hosted by a number of American universities including The University of Southern California, University of South Carolina, City University of New York, and Drexel University in Philadelphia, just to mention a few.
His class facilitation philosophy is rooted in the use of practical realities of the business environment as an important means of explicating complex business theories. He believes in finding the right balance in the classroom between what might be called the demands of realism and the need to understand complex business theories.
Essentially, he views his facilitation task as an attempt to both prepare students for the sometimes-harsh realities of professional life as marketing practitioners, while at the same time ensuring that whatever natural inclinations they might have to the nobler purposes of marketing or business are encouraged. He believes in interactivity and therefore, strives for interactive involvement and participation of students.
Previously, Prof. Otubanjo served Lagos Business School in the capacity of Research Director, during which he had the opportunity to develop a research strategy themed “Applied research for solving institutional business problems in Africa” to guide faculty research focus.
He is currently the Lead Faculty in charge of the LBS Management Scholars’ Academy, composed of elite research assistants who serve the school for a couple of years and then proceed to pursue fully-funded PhD programs in business studies in US, UK, and continental Europe.
Tayo was a Visiting Research Fellow at The Warwick Business School, University of Warwick and was invited to occupy a similar position at Spears School of Business, Oklahoma State University. These appointments were made, given his epistemological mindset on corporate marketing issues.
Prof. Otubanjo has supervised and supervises MPhil, PhD and Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) theses in his areas of research focus at Lagos Business School. He is willing to take on more doctoral students. He served as an external examiner to the MPhil Marketing and PhD Marketing programs at the University of Ghana Business School, Legon.
Prof. Otubanjo has supervised and supervises MPhil and PhD theses in his areas of research focus at the Lagos Business School. He is willing to take on more doctoral students. He serves as an external examiner to the MPhil Marketing and PhD Marketing programs at the University of Ghana Business School, Legon.
He is an alumnus of the Prestigious IESE Business School, Barcelona Spain where he received an international faculty development education which equipped him with case delivery skills. He also attended Wharton Business School Global Faculty Development Program.
Prof. Otubanjo offers Strategic Marketing and Brand Management advisory services to numerous firms. Past and current clients include Galaxy Backbone, First Bank Plc, FCMB Plc, Keystone Bank Plc, AXA Mansard, Alpha Morgan Capital, Sujimoto Construction, Chams Plc, Cellulant, Top Crust, Superflux, MBC Financial Services Group, Oral B, Consolidated Discount House among others.
In the course of working for CMCConnect BCW and CentrespreadGrey, Prof. Otubanjo carried out brand strategy assignments for national and multinational institutions of note. Some of these include Skye Bank, Wema Bank, Zenith Bank, Coca-Cola, Fanta, Fanta Blackcurrant, Microsoft, and UPS. Others were SAP, Accenture, HiTV, MoneyGram, Kakawa Discount House, SC Johnson, Edo State Board of Internal Revenue (ESBIR), Mass Power Plc, Emirates Airline, Emzor Pharmaceuticals.
He is an Independent Non-Executive Director on the board of Alpha Morgan Capital Managers. He also sits on the advisory board of Axiom Learning Solutions Ltd, a foremost learning development firm in Nigeria.
Some of His Publications include;
JOURNAL ARTICLES: Adewoye, D., Mendy, J., Oruh, E. S., Mordi, C., Egwuonwu, A., & Otubanjo, B.O. (2023). Africapitalism: The marketisation of philanthrocapitalism and neoliberalism in African entrepreneurial philanthropy. Marketing Theory, 14705931231190954.
Otubanjo, B.O. and Mokwenyei, K.A. (2023), A cultural heritage model of corporate heritage brand, The Marketing Review, under review.
Abbatty O., Otubanjo, B.O. and Adeola, O. (2022). A Self-Concept Interactionist Model of Social Media Reputation. In Adeola, O., Hinson, R.E., and Edeh, J.N. (Eds.), Digital Business in Africa: Social Media and Related Technologies. London: Palgrave-Macmillan.
Otubanjo, B.O. and Adegbile, O.E. (2019), The corporate heritage brand development process: a new institutional theory approach, IUP Journal of Brand Management.
Otubanjo, B.O. (2018), Uncovering ‘Meanings’ Through Animal Figurative Marks in Corporate Logos, IUP Journal of Brand Management, Vol.
XV, No. 4.
Otubanjo, B.O. and Epie, C. (2018), Re-examining the meaning of corporate branding: does corporate advertising give useful insights”, IUP Journal of Brand Management.
Otubanjo, B.O. (2018), Building a powerful entrepreneurial brand: the role of critical success factors and its impact on competitive advantage, IUP Journal of Brand Management.
Otubanjo, B.O. (2018). Differentiating financial services brands through the Multi-layered Service Strategy (MSS): some insights from the resource based view of the firm, IUP Journal of Brand Management.
Tevi, A. and Otubanjo, B.O. (2013), Understanding corporate rebranding: an evolution theory perspective, International Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol. 5, No.3.
Iyamabo, J., Ndukwe, G. and Otubanjo, B.O. (2013), Building telecoms service quality for brand loyalty, International Business Review, Vol. 6, No. 4.
Iyamabo, J. and Otubanjo, B.O. (2013), A three-component definition of strategic marketing, International Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol. 5, No. 1.
Oladipo, T., Iyamabo, J., and Otubanjo, B.O. (2013), Employer branding: moulding desired perceptions in current and potential employees, International Journal of Business & Management
Otubanjo, B.O. (2013), The extended corporate identity mix, International Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol. 5, No. 1.
Otubanjo, B.O. (2013), Four cardinal manifestations of corporate identity, International Journal of Business Management & Research, Forthcoming.
Otubanjo, B.O. (2013), Brand leadership: A discourse approach to brand leadership management, International Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol. 5 No. 1.
Otubanjo, B. O. (2012), Meaning of corporate identity: A structural & semiotic insight, International Journal of Management Research & Business Strategy, Vol. 1, No. 1.
Otubanjo, B.O. (2012), Operationalizing the Chandlerean semiotic process through the deconstruction of First Bank’s classic corporate advertising text, International Journal of Sales & Marketing Management Research and Development, Vol. 2 No.4.
Otubanjo, B. O. (2012), Theorising the interconnectivity between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and corporate identity (CI), Journal of Management & Sustainability, Vol. 3 No. 1.
Otubanjo, B.O. (2012), The basic notions of innovation, International Journal of Sales & Marketing Management Research and Development, Vol. 2 No. 4.
Otubanjo, B. O. (2012), Conceptual insight into generic corporate identity in the banking industry and semiotic evidence of its presence in professional services firms (PSFs), International Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol. 4 No. 6.
Otubanjo, B. O. (2012), Operationalizing critical hermeneutics through the deconstruction of Union Bank of Nigeria Plc’s classic corporate Advertising text, International Journal of Sales & Marketing Management Research and Development. Vol. 2 No.4.
Otubanjo, B.O. (2012), Representation theories of communication and their implications for corporate brand communications, International Journal of Business Management & Research, Vol. 2 No. 4.
Otubanjo, B.O. (2012), Embedding theory in corporate identity through the social constructionist lens, International Journal of Business Management. Vol. 7, No. 22.
Otubanjo, B.O. (2012), Facets of organizational transformation: what we know, International Journal of Sales & Marketing Management, Research & Development, Vol. 2 No. 4.
Amujo, O.C. and Otubanjo, B.O. (2012), Agenda setting effects of business news on stakeholders’ perception of profit led business organizations, International Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol. 4, No. 5.
Otubanjo, B. O. (2012), The double edge strategy: how it drives sales when consumer spending falls, International Journal of Sales & Marketing Management Research and Development, ISSN 2249–6939 Vol.2, No, pp.49-60.
Otubanjo, B.O. and Lynn Lim (2011), “A corporate brand in the technology road-map: Sony”, IUP Journal of Brand Management, First author with Lynn Lim, Vol. 8, No
Publications in current and previous ABS quoted journals : Ikiebey, G., Omovbude, R., Shogbanmu, S., & Otubanjo, B.O. (2015). The meaning and uses of cause-related marketing. The Marketing Review, 15(3), 383-400.
Otubanjo, B.O., Amujo, O.C., & Alleyne, L. (2015), Competence branding: a strategic differentiation approach for business organizations”, Journal of EuroMarketing, Vol. 25, Numbers 2-3.
Chen-Chu, C. and Otubanjo, B.O. (2013), A functional approach to the meaning of corporate reputation, The Marketing Review, Vol. 13, No. 4.
Otubanjo, B.O. and Amujo, O.C. (2012), The holistic corporate identity communication process, The Marketing Review, Vol. 12 No. 4.
Amujo, O. C., & Otubanjo, B.O. (2012). Leveraging rebranding of ‘unattractive’nation brands to stimulate post-disaster tourism. Tourist Studies, 12(1), 87-105.
Dowling, G. and Otubanjo, B.O. (2011), “Corporate & organizational identity: two sides of the same coin”, Academy of Marketing Science Review, Vol. No.3-4, pp.171-182.
Otubanjo, B.O (2011), “Practitioner conceptualisations of corporate identity, 1958-2008: review and analysis”, The Marketing Review, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp.263-279.
Otubanjo, B.O., Amujo, O.C. and Cornelius, N. (2010), “The informal corporate identity communication process”, Corporate Reputation Review; First author with Amujo, O.C., Cornelius, N. Vol. 13 No. 19.
Otubanjo, B.O., Amujo, O.C. and Abimbola, T. (2010), “Conceptualizing the notion of corporate brand covenance: meaning & management, Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 19 No. 6, pp.410 – 422.
Otubanjo, B.O. and Melewar, T.C. (2007), “Understanding the meaning of corporate identity: a conceptual and semiological approach”, Corporate Communications: An international Journal, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 414-332.
Bridges, K., Melewar, T.C., and Otubanjo, B.O. (2007), “Geiz-ist-geil” strategy: a three-company study”, Management Decisions, Vol. 40, No. 8, pp. 1023-1037.
Book Chapters (in Emerald, Butterworth-Heinnemann & Routledge):
Olomo, O. & Otubanjo, O. (In print – 2019) Branding the healthcare experience. In R.E Hinson, K. Osei-Frimpong, O. Adeola & L. Aziato (Eds.), Healthcare Service Marketing: Building Customer-driven Health Organisations. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor and Francis.
Achi, A. and Otubanjo, B.O. (In print – 2019). An institutional economics-led model of customer service strategy. In R.E Hinson, K. Osei-Frimpong, O. Adeola & L. Aziato (Eds.), Customer service management: a strategic perspective, New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor and Francis.
Uzo, U., Adeola, O. and Otubanjo B.O. (2018). Indigenous selling practices in Africa. In Uchenna Uzo and Abel Kinoti “Indigenous management practices in Africa: A guide for educators and practitioners”, Emerald Publishing, Vol. 19 Advanced Series in Management Book Series.
Otubanjo, B.O. (2017). Africapitalism and corporate branding. In Africapitalism for Africa’s Development: Rethinking the Role of Business in Africa; editor: Kenneth Amaeshi, Cambridge Press.
Shogbanmu, Olusegun and Otubanjo, B.O. (2016), Moral Self-relevance: in search of objective moral judgement in brand transgression. In Managing for Responsibility: A textbook for alternative Paradigm, editors: Radha R. Sharma, Merrill Csuri, Kemi Ogunyemi.
Amujo, O.C. Laninhun, B.A., Otubanjo, B.O. and Ajala, V.O (2012), “Impact of corporate social irresponsibility on corporate image/reputation of multinational oil corporations in Nigeria”. In Communicating corporate social responsibility: lessons from theory and practice, Ralph Tench, Brian Jones and William Sun (Eds.), Emerald UK.
Amujo, O.C., Otubanjo, B.O., Melewar, T.C., and Lanihun, B.A. (2010), “Agenda setting effects of business news on the reputation of profit-led business organizations in Nigeria”. In C. Carroll (Ed.) Corporate reputation and the news: agenda setting within business news coverage in developed, emerging, and frontier markets, Routledge.
Otubanjo, B.O. and Melewar, T.C. (2007), “Corporate brand differentiation in the financial services industry – applying the highest central common factor concept to nation branding”. In K. Dinnie (Ed.) Nation branding, concepts, issues and practice, Butterworth-Heinnemann.
Papers in local journals (Nigeria): Otubanjo, B.O. (2012), Successful strategies for brand survival in today’s competitive digital environment, Business & Management Journal, Forthcoming.
Otubanjo, B.O. (2012), “The ascendancy of multiple corporate rebranding in the Nigerian banking industry”, Zenith Economic Quarterly, Vol. 7 No. 2, pp.62-74.
Otubanjo, B.O. (2012), Visual identities in a permanent state of change, Business & Management Journal. Vol. 2 No.1, pp.76-82.
Amujo, O.C., Otubanjo, B.O. and George, O. (2012), Developing a beneficial relationship between corporate brands and brand consulting firms, Business & Management Journal. Vol. 2 No. 2, pp.62 –72.
Otubanjo, B.O. (2011), The meaning of entrepreneurial branding: a conceptual and semiological analysis of UBA Plc’s classic advertising text, Business & Management Journal, Vol. 1. No 1, pp. 69 – 85.
Otubanjo, B.O. (2011), “New product development in the financial services sector”, The Nigerian Banker. October – December.
Otubanjo, B.O. (2011), Triggers of generic corporate identity: a six factor analysis, Public Relations, Advertising & Marketing Journal, Vol. 27 No. 2 & Vol. 28 No.1, (two editions in one), pp.25 – 31. Vol. 2, No. 2, pp.62-72.
Otubanjo, B.O. (2011), Nigerian banks and generic corporate identity: triggers, developmental process, and circumvention strategies, Zenith Economic Quarterly, Vol. 7 No. 2, pp.63 –74.
Amujo, O.C., Lanihun, B.A. and Otubanjo, B.O. (2011), Corporate brand differentiation: a competitive strategic resource for non-profit organisations, Public Relations, Advertising & Marketing Journal. Vols. 33 & 34, Nos. 2 & 1, pp.40 –51.
Otubanjo, B.O. Amujo, O.C. and Melewar, T.C. (2010), 150 years of public relations practices in Nigeria, Public Relations, Advertising & Marketing Journal, Vol. 23 No. 2, pp. 20 – 31.
Working papers (not yet published in journals): Otubanjo, B.O., Melewar, T.C., Cornelius, N. and Hackley, C. (2008), “Social constructionism and the justifications for investigating the meaning of corporate identity through this lens” submitted to European Journal of Marketing; available at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1299658
Amujo, O.C. and Otubanjo, B.O. (2008), “360 degree corporate brand building strategy: prying a sustainable B2B relationship between corporation-brand consulting firm”, target: Marketing Theory, available at
Otubanjo, B.O. and Melewar, T.C. (2008), “Stability and change: how firms construct the meaning of corporate identity, 1970-2005”, target: Journal of Business Research available at
Amujo, O.C. and Otubanjo, B.O. (2011) “The advent of corporate communications in Nigeria” target: Public Relations Review, available at:
Amujo, O.C. and Otubanjo, B.O. (2011), Strategic organisational brand differentiation resource for Non-profits in a recession”, target: Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Non-Profit Organization.
Otubanjo, B.O. (2010), Is corporate branding a strategic resource that drives competitive advantage? Insights from the Resource Based View (RBV) of the firm, target: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,
Otubanjo, B.O., Melewar, T.C. and Cornelius, N. (2008), “Corporate identity: a paradigmatic shift in the theoretical construction of its meaning”, target: European Journal of Marketing,
Otubanjo, B.O. (2008), Saussureanism and the meaning of corporate identity, target: Journal of Brand Management,
Amujo, O.C., Otubanjo, B.O., and Cornelius, N., (2008), “State social irresponsibility: commentary and analysis”, target: Organization Science, available at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1489751
Conference papers: Otubanjo, B.O. (2019), A cultural representation model of corporate heritage brand, Conference Paper, Corporate Communications Institute conference, May 20th-23rd 1, 2019, USC Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA.
Shogbanmu, O. and Otubanjo, B.O. (2018), How do corporations represent and manage their corporate cultural identity? sector organization in the process of organizational change, Conference Paper, Corporate Communications Institute conference, May 29-June 1, 2018, Weismann College of Arts, Baruch College, City University, New York.
Olomo, O. and Otubanjo, B.O. (2018), “Corporate Heritage Brand Management: The Heritage Brand Mix” CCI Conference on Corporate Communications, Baruch College/CUNY, New York, USA.
Olomo, O. and Otubanjo, B.O. (2017), “Online healthcare branding and online purchase decisions: the mediating role of digital word of mouth” CCI Conference on Corporate Communications, Baruch College/CUNY, New York, USA
Ige, O. and Otubanjo, B.O. (2016), The evolution of sustainability: A development analysis, Conference paper, Academy of International Business Sub-Saharan Africa Chapter, Conference Paper, August 17-19, Lagos Business School, available at
Olomo, O. and Otubanjo. B.O. (August 2016), “Health branding and consumer purchase decisions: the mediating role of electronic word of mouth” The Academy of International Business- Sub Saharan Chapter (AIB-SSA) Lagos, Nigeria
Olomo, O. and Otubanjo. B.O. (June 2016), “Shifts in the Meaning of Corporate Brand Management: A Theoretical Perspective” CCI Conference on Corporate Communications, Baruch College/CUNY, New York, USA (June 2016).
Shogbanmu, S. and Otubanjo, O., (2016) “Moral coupling revealed: an analysis of consumer self-relevance and transgression relevance on brand opposition post brand wrong-doing” Academy of International Business, Paper Development Workshop, 17 – 19 August 2016, Lagos Business School, Lagos (Nigeria).
Shogbanmu, S. Otubanjo, O., and Emembolu, I. (2016) “When mutual friends become foes, how do fans split loyalty between co-brands: reviewing fan dilemma in defunct musical groups?” Global School for Empirical Research Methodology, Paper Development Workshop, 1 – 26 June 2016 Universität St. Gallen, St. Gallen (Switzerland).
Olomo, O. and Otubanjo. B.O. (2015), “Corporate Brand Personality and Consumer Purchases: The Mediating Role of the Social Media” CCI Conference on Corporate Communications, Baruch College/CUNY, New York, USA
Otubanjo, B.O. and Cornelius, N. (2013), Differentiating financial service brands through the multilayered service strategy: Insights From Resource Based View of the firm, The 2013 Association of Marketing Theory & Practice Conference, Charleston, South Carolina, USA.
Otubanjo, B.O. and Epie, C. (2013), Re-examining the meaning of corporate branding: does corporate advertising give useful insights? 18th International Conference on Corporate & Marketing Communications, University of Salerno, Italy.
Otubanjo, B.O. and Cornelius, N. (2012), Corporate identity: a paradigmatic shift in the theoretical construction of its meaning, Academy of Marketing Conference, University of Southampton, UK.
Otubanjo, B.O. and Amujo, O. C. (2012), Holistic corporate identity communication process, Corporate Communications Institute conference, 2012, Weismann College of Arts, Baruch College, City University, New York.
Otubanjo, B.O., Amujo, O.C., & Alleyne, L.B. (2012), A competence based brand: Meaning and management, The 2012 annual meeting of the Association of Marketing Theory and Practice, March 29 – March 31, 2012, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA.
Otubanjo, B.O. and Amaeshi, K. (2011), “The meaning of CSR-Identity: an integration of the meanings of CSR and corporate identity from a semiological perspective”, The 8th International Conference of Corporate Identity/Association Research Group, LeBow College of Business, Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA.
Otubanjo, B.O., Amujo, O.C. and Abimbola, T. (2009), “Organisational identity and brand covenance: a semiotic deconstruction”, The 5th International Conference of the Academy of Marketing’s Special Interest Group on Branding, Identity & Corporate Reputation, September 1st – 3rd 2009, Gillespie Centre, Clare College, University of Cambridge, UK.
Otubanjo, B.O. (2008), “Stability and change: how firms construct the meaning of corporate identity, 1970-2005”, 3rd annual Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management, Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, UK, April.
Otubanjo, B.O. and Melewar, T.C. (2008), “Theorising the CSR Identity construct”, 10th International Corporate Identity Group Symposium, Brighton, UK.
Otubanjo, B.O. Industry construction of the meaning of corporate identity in Nigeria’s banking services sector: an interpretive analysis of corporate advertisements, 2008 Brunel Business School Doctoral Symposium, Brunel University, London (UK).
Otubanjo, B.O. (2007), The social construction of the meaning of corporate identity in Nigeria’s banking services sector, 2007 Brunel Business School Doctoral Symposium, Brunel University, London (UK).
Otubanjo, B.O. and Melewar, T.C. (2007), “The Informal Corporate Identity Communication Process”, Proceedings of the 4th International Colloquium of the Academy of Marketing’s Brand, Identity, and Corporate Reputation Special Interest Group, Brunel University London, UK.
Otubanjo, B.O. and Melewar, T.C. (2007), “Social Constructionist Philosophy, Semiotic Method and their Role in the Meaning of Corporate Identity”, Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Royal Holloway College, University of London, UK, 2007, London.
Otubanjo, B.O. and Melewar, T.C. (2007), “Understanding the Meaning of Corporate Identity: A Conceptual and Semiological Approach”, 9th International Corporate Identity Group Symposium, Edinburgh, UK.
Otubanjo, B.O. (2003), “Corporate Reputation: Definition and Management, Working Paper, presented at the International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications”, London Metropolitan University Business School, London, UK.
Cases & Teaching Notes: Otubanjo, B.O. (2013), Wema Bank Plc: Developing a New Brand Personality, Lagos Business School, Technical Note, (Completed. Unpublished)
Otubanjo, B.O. and Shogbannmu, O. (2013), Quirk Oil Nigeria: Being Proactive or Facing the Consequences, Lagos Business School. Technical Note, hosted on Case Centre website: https://www.thecasecentre.org/main/products/view?id=148966
Otubanjo, B.O. (2013), Quirk Oil Nigeria: Being Proactive or Facing the Consequences, Lagos Business School. Teaching Note, hosted on Case Centre website: https://www.thecasecentre.org/main/products/view?id=130635
Technical Notes: Achi, A. and Otubanjo, B.O. (2018), Digital marketing: meaning, channels, phases, benefits and limitations, Lagos Business School. Teaching Note, hosted on Case Centre website:
Achi, A. and Otubanjo, B.O. (2018), The nature of brand cannibalization, Lagos
Business School. Teaching Note, hosted on Case Centre website: https://www.thecasecentre.org/main/products/view?id=158512
Achi, A. and Otubanjo, B.O. (2018), Brand architecture: meaning, determinants,
strategies, benefits, Lagos Business School. Teaching Note, hosted on Case Centre website: https://www.thecasecentre.org/main/products/view?id=158511
Achi, A. and Otubanjo, B.O. (2018), Brand extension: meaning, types, drivers and categorization, Lagos Business School. Teaching Note, hosted on Case Centre website: https://www.thecasecentre.org/main/products/view?id=158510
Otubanjo, B.O. (2017), The meaning of marketing according to the titans, Lagos
Business School, Technical note, hosted on Case Centre website:
Otubanjo, B.O. (2017), The marketing mix: challenges and opportunities, Lagos
Business School, Technical note, hosted on Case Centre website:
Otubanjo, B.O. (2017), Marketing philosophies: traditional and emergent, Lagos
Business School. Teaching Note, hosted on Case Centre website:
Supervised M.Sc. Dissertations To Completion: The role of brand trust in customer retention, Ebong, Iniobong Essien, 2014
How signs enhance the creation of consumer perception of firms, Azuh, Matthew Sochukwudi, 2014
The Influence of Sponsorship on Customers’ Perception of an Advertised Brand was carried out by Achama Rose Onyeukwu-Ashinze, 2014
The relationship between country origin information processing and customer retention of Japanese auto brands, Katibi Kehinde Sa’adat, 2014
Effective media relations as a tool for brand Perception at Fidelity Bank Plc , Udo, Sam, 2014
The use of cause related marketing & the mediating effects of publicity on customer retention, Rita Omovbude, 2013
The influence of Access Bank employee evaluation of rebranding on their perception of the corporate brand, Uche Nwalie.
The power of corporate logo over customers’ perceptions through responsiveness in Guarantee Trust Bank Plc employees of First Nigeria Bank Plc, Tonia Coker
The influence of Corporate Social Responsibility on Public Perception of an Advertised Corporate Brand – Ayoola Kusimo
The impact of public relations on the sales: A study of Etisalat Easy Flex product, Maureen Nwakaji, 2014
The Influence of Public Relations on Sales: A Study of Etisalat EasyFlex Product – Maureen Nwakaji
Employer branding and the creation of desired perception among current and potential employees of First Nigeria Bank Plc, Oladipo Tosin
Creating and developing brand personality through advertising: a case study of Nigerian Breweries brands, Erhisohwode, Charity.
A study of religious brand differentiators in three select religious brands, Anarado, Chinedu.
The role of brand personality on consumer loyalty as it affects Guiness Extra Stout, Adeyi, Tolulope Ibukunoluwa, June 2013
Influence of brand personality on customer perception within an advertising cluttered market: A focus on MTN Telecommunications Alfred Bidemi Godwin, June 2013
The effect of celebrity endorsement in a popular culture on customer retention, Sowole, Itunu, Bernice, June 2013
The influence of rebranding on product purchase in an industry with working class population: a focus on enterprise Bank – Kalu Alu – Ulu Torty
The effect of product quality on brand loyalty: a study of MTN, Ndukwe, Grace.
The effect of inconsistent corporate visual identity on organizational reputation: a study of Airtel in Eti-Osa LGA of Lagos State, Owolawi, Seyi.
Celebrity brand endorsement and the patronage of Chi Limited range of products: a study of residents in Ikeja, Ugbaja, Nneka.
The effect of brand logos on brand recognition, Ogunlade, Eniola.
The social construction of brands: an interpretive analysis of banks in Nigeria, Akindele, Oluwaseun.
The role of internal communication in the development of a corporate brand image in Guarantee Trust Bank Plc, Aramide Aikpitanyi
The effect of multiple rebranding on customer loyalty in mobile telephony, Tevi, Alex.
The effects of corporate values on brand perception, Adeyanju, Biodun.
The internet and the new face of public relations: a study of the perception of public relations in Nigerian commercial banks, Nkemakolam, Jacob.