Henrietta ​Onwuegbuzie

E-mail: honwuegbuzie@lbs.edu.ng​
Brief info

Dr Henrietta Onwuegbuzie is an Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship at Lagos Business School and a certified Management consultant. She is also an IFC certified Management trainer. Onwuegbuzie is passionate about economic development and socio-economic transformation in Nigeria and Africa, and has initiated the creation of over 100 profitable, impact-driven businesses through the MBA and Executive programmes at Lagos Business School (LBS), where she leads sessions in Entrepreneurship on the MBA and Executive programmes. She is currently the Director of the Business Innovation Accelerator (BIA), and Project Director for the Impact Investing initiative at LBS. She was recently conferred the Excellence award in Entrepreneurship and Impact Investing and appointed a Distinguished Fellow of the Global Africa Leadership Council.

Onwuegbuzie is one of the first two African Visiting Faculty at Yale School of Management, in the United States, and has been invited to speak at top Business Schools like the Oxford Said Business School, UK and IESE Business School, Barcelona. She has an MSc (with honours), in Economics and Business Administration from the University of Navarre, Spain; an MBA from Lagos Business School, Nigeria; and a PhD in Management and Entrepreneurship, from Lancaster University, UK. Onwuegbuzie is a life member of the Beta Gamma Sigma group, which admits only top performers in the top 5% of Schools, worldwide.

Prior to joining the LBS faculty, she managed educational projects for women’s development, in different states in Nigeria and subsequently, worked in the banking industry with key responsibilities for blue-chip companies and multinationals in the corporate banking sector. Onwuegbuzie sits on the Board of a number of companies, and has extensive consulting experience, spanning projects at the State level to conglomerates and SME’s in various industries.

In 2013, she was conferred the African Women Development Champion Award by the Centre for Economic and Leadership Development. In the same year, she was appointed one of the national mentors for the YouWin Entrepreneurship programme, driven from the office of the President. In 2015, she was conferred a certificate of recognition in New York by LEAP, a UN working group under the Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME) sector, in recognition of her ground-breaking work in developing change accelerators. Onwuegbuzie has presented award-winning papers at various international conferences on entrepreneurship and sustainable development, winning the best paper award in some of these conferences. She has been rated top 4% among Nigerian top Executives in the education Management industry.

On a voluntary basis, she mentors aspiring and established entrepreneurs. Her current focus is on the development of impact-driven entrepreneurs for national transformation, as well preparing Women for next level leadership through a programme that strengthens their skills in Management, entrepreneurship and wealth creation.