Eugene Ohu

Organisational Behaviour
Management Communication
Brief info

Dr Eugene Ohu is a senior lecturer in the Department of Organisational Behaviour/Human Resource Management. His teaching areas include Management Communication, Human Behaviour in Organisations, Digital Marketing and predictive HR Analytics, in the MBA and Executive Education programs of the Lagos Business School. He is an External Examiner for the Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business of the University of the West Indies.

His current research interests are on the psychology of human-computer interactions in the workplace, in order to promote individual wellbeing and organizational productivity. He is the principal investigator at the Virtual Human Computer Interaction (VHCI) Lab at the Lagos Business School. At the lab, he is exploring the character and wellbeing associations of Virtual Reality (VR). He is also working with his team to develop VR solutions for training and simulations.

He is also intrigued by how people navigate their multiple roles across work and non-work domains. As technology introduces flexibility in the nature, design and how work is done, Dr. Ohu studies the implications for work-life balance that this permeability introduces. Finally, as computers now make it easier to collect and analyse behavioural data about people and business processes, he uses “Big Data” to provide insights useful for human resource and marketing communications decisions.

Eugene belongs to the following professional associations: American Psychological Association (APA), Society for Industrial and Organisational Psychology (SIOP); Academy of Management (AOM) and the Association for Business Communication (ABC). For all, he regularly serves as peer reviewer. He also regularly reviews for the Journal of Business Ethics (JBE). He consults with Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) companies on gaining management and marketing insights from digital data. He also assists HR departments on the High-Performance Work Systems (HPWS) that motivate employees for increased productivity through work-life balance. He is also involved in some workplace safety studies.

Dr. Ohu is on the executive board of the Nigeria Internet Registration Association (NiRA), the managers of the .ng country code domain. He is also an entrepreneurship mentor on the Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) entrepreneurship programme. Eugene speaks and writes Italian and Spanish fluently, and has a fair mastery of French. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy from the University of Benin, is a registered pharmacist and a member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN). He has a postgraduate diploma in education from the University of Calabar, and a PhD in Institutional/Social Communications from the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, Italy.