A premier African business school


Lagos Business School (LBS) is the graduate business school of Pan-Atlantic University, owned by the Pan-Atlantic University Foundation (PAUF), a Nigerian non-profit foundation. For over 3 decades, LBS has been changing the face of business locally and globally, by developing business professionals with high standards of business ethics, professionalism and deep knowledge of general management practices. Our offerings have been accredited globally and ranked among the best in Africa, as it systematically strives to improve the practice of management on the continent.

Education at LBS is comprehensive, drawing on the experiences of a multinational faculty and participants. Learning is participant-centred and uses the case study method. Activities hold on the school’s purpose-built facilities which serve more than 6,000 participants yearly from indigenous and multinational backgrounds.

At LBS, we believe in community and collaboration
LBS was founded on inspiration from the philosophy of Opus Dei which seeks to find God’s work in everyday life. It espouses the Christian conception of the dignity of man, in social and economic activity. This vision underlies all teaching, publishing and research activities of the School.

Due to the quality of our programmes and our approach towards global best practices, we have been recognised by numerous regional and international accreditations and ranking organisations. These accreditations affirm our undeniable commitment, over the last 30 years, to world-class standards in teaching, learning, research, academic and professional management.

LBS has been ranked every year, since 2007 by the Financial Times of London, among the top global providers of open enrolment executive education and in custom executive education since 2015. The latter ranked number one in Africa on the 2020 Financial Times list. LBS’ MBA programmes have held Tier One positions on CEO Magazine’s Global MBA rankings for three consecutive years. The School is listed among the top 50 global business schools on The Economist magazine’s 2018 Executive MBA ranking.

At LBS, we believe in community and collaboration. This has pushed us to join a number of international educational associations to give our participants access to global exchange programmes; We are members of the Association of African Business Schools (AABS), the Global Business School Network (GBSN), the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), and the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC). GMAC is an organisation of leading graduate management schools in the world and the owner of the GMAT exam.

Our many years of training next-generation business leaders have created a robust alumni association with more than 8,000 members. This asset base, as well as the close relationship with the corporate world, ensures that the programmes offered, as well as having international standards, also have local relevance.


Over the years, our commitment and efforts in improving the practice of management have been recognised by several world-class accreditations and rankings.

The LBS Advantage

A Premier African Business School

Ranking and Accreditations

LBS is the first business school in West, East and Central Africa regions to be accredited by The Association of MBAs (AMBA). It is also highly ranked globally by the Financial Times Africa, the Economist, and Better World

Practical Learning

LBS is the business school for Africa. Our unique teaching methodology uses African and international case studies to equip our participants with the fundamentals of doing business in dynamic markets across Africa and the world.

Career Accelerator

92% of LBS MBA graduates get jobs and new roles in top companies within a year of graduation; a testament to our alumni’s ability to meet recruiters’ top-level talent requirements and retention needs.

Global Experience

Our international exchange programmes with leading business schools across Asia, Europe, and America and deep industry engagement with businesses in Africa prepares our students to thrive anywhere in the world.

Find the Right Programme for You

Discover the best programme for you to reach the next level in your professional or entrepreneurial journey

Master in Business Administration(MBA)

Take the next step in your professional journey, enhancing your career or business with passion and purpose, through our MBA programmes.

This programmes are designed for candidates with a minimum of 3 years of work or entrepreneurial experience who require flexibility to combine their work or business with their MBA.

18 Months | Full-time Study

Executive Education

Prepare yourself for the current and future challenges faced by executives, with our executive education programmes.

These programmes are designed to teach outstanding management professionals how to develop efficient and ethical solutions to the evolving problems of the modern business landscape.

18 Months | Full-time Study

Doctors of Business Administration (DBA)

Transform your experiences into management solutions and understand problems to be able to react favourably in an increasingly complex business world.

Join the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) programme to enhance your capability to conduct management research relevant to solving complex business challenges

18 Months | Full-time Study

International Students

Are you ready to open new doors and achieve greater success in your career or business? Take our optional MBA readiness assessment test to determine the best programme for you, and begin your journey towards a brighter future.

Life at LBS

Start your journey to become a high-performing and ethical leader, achieving business/career success. The admissions process is the first step in your LBS journey. We look forward to your transformation. Welcome to our community.

Apply Now!

Are you interested in finding out more about LBS? Do you have more questions? We invite you to Join one of our upcoming info sessions to engage directly with a member of faculty or an admissions officer.