Business Case Sample

Contact Details

Company Name: Salubata

Founder: Akinse Fela Buyi

Tel: +234 706 223 0959


Company Website:

Primary Circular Business Model(s):

  • Recovery and Recycling
  • Circular Supply Chain

Stage of Business:

  • Growth


Salubata has invented proprietary modular shoes recycled from plastic wastes which enables individuals to change as many as shoes as possible with the same sole by just changing the flaps. Thus significantly reducing the global carbon footprint and cost of wearing at least an extra shoe. With this solution, millions of jobs are also being created on a global scale from the dump picker, manufacturers and government. Global impact of carbon footprint would become negligible, wastes generated from these shoes would be used to produce the same shoe, thus resulting in a circular economy. Other brands like Adidas make shoes from plastics but not modular ones and they don’t utilize natural products in the construction of their shoes. Nike and Toms do not utilize plastic waste, do not make modular shoes, and do not utilize natural products in the construction of their shoes. However, Salubata shoes are modular shoes made from recycled plastic wastes. The outsoles are made of BLOOM i.e algal bloom which is a natural product that is highly sustainable) . All design rights, trademarks and patent are owned by Salubata.

Financing and Business Support Needs

Lack of adequate machineries for productions. Lack of adequate manpower to operate existing machineries. This further aects the quality of production, as products can hardly be standardised, especially if the product is to be mass produced. Furthermore, this leads to innovators looking at other countries with advanced machineries in order to standardise mass production.


Inadequate marketing for brands, particularly for businesses who intend to scale productions and sales rapidly into other countries