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About Circular Lagos

Circular Lagos is a programme launched by Lagos State in collaboration with CEIP that seeks to grow the market for “Circular Economy” products and services in ways that benefit producers, consumers, and communities across Lagos.

In a “Circular Economy” waste is designed out production and value chains. This means less extraction of carbon-intensive resources and less trash that harms our health and the environment. Circular Economy businesses are
also expected to stimulate local economic growth and create meaningful job opportunities.

Exciting isn’t it?

The path may be winding but by working collaboratively with a wide range of partners we have high aspirations to reach our destination!

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Why Circular Economy

Cleaner Environment

Air and water quality in Lagos is poor. Plastics and other waste affect marine habitats and the health of all those in the Lagos ecosystem. There are high concentrations of heavy metals in groundwater...

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Economic Opportunities

Every second person in Nigeria is unemployed or under-employed. The country has the highest absolute number of people living in extreme poverty in the world. Foreign investment is decreasing...

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Positive Social Impact

Circular Economy tools also allow us to work together in new ways. The technical foundations of the Circular Economy are in engineering, industrial design, and technology, however “circular”...

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The Circular Lagos Challenge

The Circular Lagos Challenge is the flagship event of Circular Lagos. It is an open innovation challenge that is sponsored by Circular Lagos Partners. Our partners have worked together to define core business and policy problems that they are addressing. They are looking to partner with start-ups, social entrepreneurs, policy entrepreneurs and the people who have the ideas and the will to resolve these challenges.
Challenge winners will move on to pilot their ideas and projects with the support of Circular Lagos Partners and LOOP Lab, an incubator designed to support long-lasting commercial and technical partnerships between young ventures and more established industry participants.
The focus of the 2021 Circular Lagos Challenge is on addressing plastic waste in Nigeria. Five challenges have been identified by our partners. Find out where you can make a difference and join the challenge – we need you!

Join the Challenge



When will the challenge be launched?

We expect the challenge to launch in late Q2. Register here to receive updates.

How can I join?

There are 6 categories

  • Founding Partner
  • Knowledge & Development Partner
  • Challenge Partner
  • Strategic Partner
  • Circular Lagos Champion
  • Investment Partner

Contact Circular Lagos team for more information.

Can I launch my own circular Lagos project or initiative?

We don’t have funds for that this time to support individual initiatives but the Circular Lagos team is glad to support the development of your ideas so they can be realized. Contact us here.

I am not in Lagos but want to participate, what can I do?

Contact us- we want to find a place for everyone in this community.









Circular Businesses in Lagos


Implementation of circular economy principles in management of end of-life tyres in a developing country (Nigeria)


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent consequat,...

Increasing Circularity in Africa’s Plastics Sector


Global environmental degradation resulting from human activity is one of...


Join The Circular Lagos Network